Many horses live in the pasture, either year-round or for shorter periods. In order to protect them, it is sometimes necessary to build a shelter for horses in the meadow. This protects them from bad weather, sun and flies. But before you start building a homemade shelter for your horses, it requires some thought.
What does the law say about building a horse shelter in the pasture?
Before building a pasture shelter for your horses, you will need to check the regulations in force. Under French law, a perennial horse shelter (i.e., one that is intended to remain in place for more than 3 months), must be the subject of a request for authorization of work or a building permit. A horse shelter must measure at least 9m² and must therefore be subject to authorization (prior declaration and application for a building permit). Beyond 20m², a building permit is required.

The authorization will depend on several factors, notably the size of the shelter, the layout, the respect of the environment, etc. You can first check what the PLU of your town (Local Urban Plan) or the POS (Land Use Plan) recommends. If your shelter is dismantled before a period of 3 months, you are not subject to any prior request, whatever the configuration of your shelter.
If your municipality is reluctant to your construction project, you can mention the Rural and Maritime Fishing Code which stipulates that “any animal being a sensitive being must be placed by its owner in conditions compatible with the biological requirements of its species” (article L214-1). It is therefore your duty as an equine owner to provide him with a place to live that will protect him from any suffering.
What size and shape for a horse shelter ?
The size of your horse shelter will of course depend on the number of horses to be sheltered. A 3m x 3m shelter will only hold one or two horses. The ideal is to build a rectangular shelter by keeping only one side of the shelter open. The goal is to let the horses come and go without them being disturbed. Next, you must choose the shape of the roof: one or two slopes. A shelter with a two-slope roof will provide better protection from the sun and rain. But this can also vary depending on the location of your shelter.
Where to position your horse shelter in the pasture?
To position your shelter properly, the main requirement is to install it on a flat area. The second step is to orient it so that the prevailing winds blow at the back of the shelter. This will allow your horses to stay well protected. It may also be practical to position your shelter near a water source (and install waterers inside) and near the entrance to the pasture so that you can easily maintain the shelter. It is also a good idea to line the ground with pebbles and then cover it with sawdust. This will prevent the creation of a muddy area caused by your horses’ trampling.
What materials to choose?
The construction of your horse shelter can be more or less solid depending on the materials you choose. It is best to adapt the choice of materials according to the specificities of the meadow. For strong or even violent winds, it will probably be necessary to pour a concrete foundation. On the other hand, a low exposure to the elements will allow you to build a simple and inexpensive horse shelter. The best thing to do before you start building is to contact a professional. This one will guide you in your steps, because the safety of your horses is at stake.