Horses’ hooves are the essential element of their body to allow them to rest on the ground and support their weight. They are subjected to many shocks and impacts, so it is essential to give your horse’s hoof a lot of care to maintain its quality, promote its regrowth and protect it from external constraints.

What are the benefits of Biotin for horse horn?
Biotin is a vitamin of the B group. It is also found on the labels of products containing it under the name vitamin B8 or vitamin H.
In the horse, Biotin is mainly synthesized in the cecum by the action of cellulolytic bacteria responsible for fiber digestion.
Biotin has a significant role in several metabolic reactions such as cell growth or energy production, but it is best known to horse owners for its action on the dander and more particularly in the treatment of horn problems on horses’ feet.
What is the role of Keratin in caring for the horn of the horse’s foot?
When we look at the composition of the horn, we see that it is largely composed of Keratin which is a protein composed of specific amino acids. These amino acids are not necessarily in sufficient quantity in the basic rations of our horses when they need to rebuild part of their damaged foot. This lack of amino acids that make up Keratin makes the action of Biotin ineffective. To illustrate this phenomenon one could compare Biotin to cement and Keratin to bricks and without a regular supply of bricks the wall cannot be built quickly.
C’est pour cela que Royal Horse a imaginé un complément associant la biotine et un complexe spécifique d’acides aminés la PROKERATIN dans le C400 HOOF ACTIV REPAIR.
Use Biotin and Prokeratin to promote the regrowth of the horse’s foot horn
In fact, our scientific trials carried out under real-life conditions on working horses have proven that supplementation with a product containing a sufficiently high concentration of Biotin, combined with a specific supply of the amino acid that makes up PROKERATIN, activates horn regrowth by 30% after only 90 days.
You can find all the characteristics of the product by clicking below or by downloading the data sheet.