The show horse is a real athlete: like any sportsman, he must have a healthy lifestyle and be particularly monitored in terms of nutrition. The results obtained and the health of the horse depend in part on the care given to its nutrition. A traditional diet is not always sufficient to cover the needs of a competition horse.
It is therefore sometimes necessary to use feed specific to the type of effort (long effort, short effort). These competition or race horses can be put in optimal conditions by using specific food supplements for the preparation of effort and muscle preparation. How to prepare your horse for the effort? Why supplement his diet with C-600? What are the virtues of this food supplement? How and when to administer it? We tell you everything in this new article.
Prepare your horse for the effort : discover our advices
Several factors must be taken into consideration in order to prepare your horse before the effort.
This is the key to success for an optimal performance.
A competition horse must always be put in good conditions several weeks before its performance. This is done first and foremost through proper training: a well-muscled and prepared horse is much less likely to injure itself and will recover more easily.
Regular training is therefore necessary to allow the horse to gain muscle mass and then to maintain it gently.

Taking into consideration the recovery of the horse and giving it special care after the effort is also essential. It is a question of encouraging the return to normal of the heartbeat and ventilation of the horse, while preserving it from aches and pains and pathologies linked to too much effort.
To do this, we strongly advise you to offer your companion an active recovery, by making him walk or trot at a steady pace. You can also help your horse recover passively by applying external care products and massages.
Do you want to prepare your horse for exercise and help it recover after competitions? There are nutritional supplements to support the muscles during training and to offer your horses the best possible post-training recovery.
Feed Complements for Horses : what are they ?
A good diet is to provide the right food for the type of activity of your horse. Feed supplements are sometimes necessary to meet specific requirements, such as preparation for exercise for horses with a high level of physical activity.
They are generally given punctually, with the aim of preparing the horse for the effort and helping it to recover a good physical condition. They can also allow :
- the protection of the joints ;
- the maintenance of the muscular mass;
- better performance;
- a faster elimination of toxins;
- a fast and complete recovery after a sustained effort.

Discover the benefits of the C-600 Horse Complementary Feed
C-600 or Athlete Effort Recovery is a horse feed supplement created for horses subjected to intense and repeated efforts. It is presented in the form of very complete pellets.
It has many virtues such as improving muscle performance and heart function. It also allows the horse to better eliminate toxins after the effort.
What does C-600, the food supplement for horses, contain?
The properties of C-600 are based on the association of 2 active ingredients: AOELITE®, a plant complex of antioxidants and a variety of micro-algae highly concentrated in DHA (a fatty acid of the omega 3 family, intended to improve heart function.
Athlete Effort Recovery is manufactured using a cold granulation process by a team of veterinarians and nutritionists. This production method preserves the properties of the nutrients used in this formula and ensures the well-being of your horse during and after exercise.

How should Athlete Effort Recovery supplement be given to your horse ?
This nutritional supplement should be given during training and pre-training periods. It should not be taken throughout the year, but only during periods of heavy and repeated exercise. C-600 should ideally be given during the evening meal, at an average of 2 doses of 50 grams per day.
The results with C-600 from Royal Horse
Royal Horse has conducted a study on several horses under real life conditions. We have tested horses having consumed the Royal Horse supplement, and other horses with the classic food. The horses taking the C-600 horse food supplement react better to the effort. A more constant heart rate at rest is observed in the subjects observed.
The horse’s speed at 200 beats per minute or V200 (a parameter to monitor training progress) is also higher than that of horses whose diet does not include supplements. Finally, the elimination of toxins generated by intense exercise is faster and more important. 24 hours after the effort, the horses fed with a Royal Horse supplement have eliminated twice as much toxins as the other subjects.
Choose the right food supplements for your horse
You understood it : C-600 is a food supplement suitable only for horses subjected to intense and regular efforts (endurance, eventing, race). Do you want to promote the harmonious development of your foals and breeding horses? Ensure vitality and good health for your leisure horse or mare? Treat its joints or feet? Restore the tone of your horse?
We offer a wide range of food and food supplements for the well-being of your companions. Do not hesitate to browse through them to find the best solution for your horse. A horse with a rich and varied diet and a harmonious physique is a horse in good health and has all the keys to perform and work without risk. Think about it !
Royal Horse recommendation: C-600 – Nutritional supplement for horse recovery, Athlete Effort Recovery