Taking care of your horse is not something to be neglected, it takes time, but it is one of the most rewarding experiences that are
But what happens in summer? We have to take precautions to ensure that our horse is always in the best condition, because (so far) horses can’t talk and can’t tell us how they feel, so we have to anticipate their needs.
If you already suffer from heat waves, imagine your horse adapting better to the cold than to the heat! Rest assured, we will share with you the things you need to know and take into account for this summer, so take note !

Hydration : what happens to us in summer? We don’t stop sweating, the same thing happens to horses, they sweat, so they suffer a great loss of fluids. This is why horses need to be well hydrated. The water you give your horse must be clean and fresh, so you must be aware or make sure that the water point is clean, make sure to clean the water containers you use at least once a week (water trough, trash can or tub).
The water should be in sufficient quantity, between 40 and 50 liters per day and per horse.
Be careful with heavy exertion: avoid heavy physical exertion, especially during the hottest part of the day. Although this may seem obvious, it is important to remember that during the sunniest hours of the day, it is best for horses to rest in the shade and have fresh, clean water nearby. If you have to do some kind of activity, such as the daily exercise required for competition horses, it is better to choose the early morning or late afternoon, your horse will thank you indirectly. And if you train in the sunniest hours, your horse’s health could be affected, and this is something we want to avoid.
We can create new environments: it’s easy, when it’s very hot, we can go to the pool to cool down or put on the air conditioning at home, but a horse doesn’t have this possibility, so we have to create new environments for him ourselves. So let’s get to work with the fresh stable.
Good feeding: correct feeding is the key to maintain and ensure the health of the animal in perfect conditions and during all periods of the year, that’s why not everything is worth it, because in hot weather and especially in the summer, you have to pay a little more attention to feeding. Choose a horse feed that suits your conditions and needs, both in terms of health and goals. www.royal-horse.com
Beware of insects: the increase in heat is linked to an increase in the number of insects that can bite and injure animals. Therefore, we recommend extra care and measures such as repellents. We want your horse to be in the best condition at all times. Discover 3 tips to eliminate flies on your horse !

That being said, we have to tell you that your horse’s food is something fundamental to their daily lives, as it keeps them alive, literally, and we tell you this so that you become aware of their diet.
Eating is a horse’s favorite pastime, and eating plenty of fiber can help prevent stomach ulcers because chewing produces saliva, and saliva reduces stomach acid. It also helps reduce colic because it activates bowel function and reduces gas production, it also holds the intestines in place and prevents them from twisting, because a full intestine is much less flexible than an empty one.
Forage intake is essential for many bodily functions and for keeping your horse healthy. Be aware of the importance of good nutrition for your horse, there is no such thing as a perfect feed for all horses, as each horse needs to feed according to its characteristics or goals, it is not the same feed for a leisure horse as for a competition horse.
What is common to all is that the food you choose must be well thought out and of good quality, we can help you to do this Knowledge, because we have everything your horse may need. Let us advise you by professionals and reach your goals.