The Karacabey horse

This saddle horse breed was created in Turkey at the beginning of the 20th century by crossing mares of local breeds with Nonius imported from Hungary; infusions of Arabian blood were added later. The breed is mainly found in Turkey, where it is remarkably uniform compared to other local breeds. It has great potential: for example, one horse was sent as a gift to the Queen of England and was particularly successful in polo. The horse is also renowned for its jumping ability and endurance. Find out more about the characteristics, aptitudes, and special features of the Karacabey horse.

Caractère et aptitudes du cheval

This balanced, docile horse is versatile. In the past, it was renowned for its military prowess, the breed having clearly had the objective of enhancing the Turkish cavalry throughout history.

Utilisations du cheval

Once used by the Turkish cavalry, it was employed under saddle, in the pack, in light draught work; like many horses, it was also used for various agricultural tasks.

Morphologie du cheval

As you can see, the Karacabey horse has a well-proportioned head with a straight profile. It also has a medio linear body (i.e., a rather “average” physiognomy). The neck is powerful and slightly rolled, with a high withers. The Karacabey’s shoulder is rather sloping. The chest is deep, with a straight back. The croup is muscular, but also rounded. This horse’s limbs are strong and very resistant. They have good joints and dry tendons. This animal has a hard-horned hoof. Several coat types have already been identified: bay, dark bay, black, gray, roan, and chestnut. Height is generally between 1.55 and 1.64 m.