
The Mecklemburg horse

The original German stock, of the Cob type, was prized as carriage and driving horses. In the 19th century, it was crossed with the Thoroughbred and became a cavalry horse. In the twentieth century, after the Second World War, Anglo-Arabs and, above all, Hanoverians were introduced to make him a saddle horse. The result was a horse that was a “first cousin” of the latter. The Mecklemburg, however, is smaller and stockier than the Hanoverian.


un attealge de chevaux mecklembourg

Caractère et aptitudes du cheval

Gentle, friendly, docile, and strong.

Utilisations du cheval

A versatile saddle horse, used for leisure riding and competition.

Morphologie du cheval

Medium-sized head. Straight profile. Ears of medium length. Compact body. Strong, elongated neck. Raised withers. Sloping shoulder. Broad fore chest. Deep chest. Wide, powerful loins. Strong limbs. Good bone structure. Dry joints. Hard hoof. Coat: all solid colors. Size: 1.55 to 1.65 m.